For the public, by the public

The Internet Freedom Foundation is a small, young, advocacy organization in India that works on digital rights. Due to its outsized impact, there are high expectations for IFF to deliver on its mission of being a public-centred organization. Since the start of 2022, we have been working to formulate consistent practices that bring high levels of governance, transparency and accountability while retaining our efficiency and ability for rapid response. There is a balance we have sought to achieve

16 September, 2022
1 min read

The Internet Freedom Foundation is a small, young, advocacy organization in India that works on digital rights. Due to its outsized impact, there are high expectations for IFF to deliver on its mission of being a public-centred organization. Since the start of 2022, we have been working to formulate consistent practices that bring high levels of governance, transparency and accountability while retaining our efficiency and ability for rapid response. There is a balance we have sought to achieve in which IFF remains nimble with the formulation of by-laws that have been adopted on 17 August 2022. We intend to improve them based on operational experience, feedback and yearly reviews.

Some significant updates include:

  • We are really excited to start the process for the addition of two trustees with full voting and agenda-setting powers to ensure diversity, institutionalization and broader public participation.  We have formulated a process,institutionalized through formal adoption by the Board of Trustees, and will be conducting a, “open, public call for nominations of candidates.” We intend to announce a public form and also reach out to encourage candidates within our networks in November, 2022.
  • Additional transparency mechanisms have been adopted for publication -- including line items in the finance manual, budget, publication of business transacted by the Board and internal process guides (such as, “How to participate in a public consultation”). We make best efforts to implement it promptly. We hope the publication of these materials will also be better displayed and archived as when we are able to implement a website redesign.

A copy of the by-laws is accessible here. We continue to value your feedback and support. Please feel free to write to us with any thoughts or suggestions at [email protected]!

Kind regards,

Rachita Taneja, Aravind Ravi-Sulekha, Karthik Balakrishnan & Apar Gupta
Board of Trustees, Internet Freedom Foundation

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